Damir Nugmanov makes substantial contribution to the charitable foundation "Dara" for orphans and children with special educational needs


Kazakhstani investor and philanthropist Damir Nugmanov has decided to make a significant financial investment in the charitable foundation "Dara," aimed at improving the living conditions, socialization, and development opportunities for orphans and children with special educational needs. 

Damir Nugmanov emphasized, "Children are our future, and our societal responsibility is to ensure them equal opportunities and a dignified future. The 'Dara' foundation is doing invaluable work, and I proudly support their efforts. My investment aims to help fulfill their mission and make a positive impact on the lives of orphans and children with special educational needs. I hope that our collaboration will yield long-term results, enabling them to unlock their potential and find their place in society."

(Nur-Sultan/Astana), March 7, 2023 - Damir Nugmanov, a renowned Kazakhstani investor and dedicated philanthropist, has announced his decision to make a substantial financial contribution to the charitable foundation "Dara." The foundation's main mission is to implement projects that enhance the quality of life, social integration, and developmental prospects for orphans and children with special educational needs.

The "Dara" foundation carries out crucial work in supporting and safeguarding the most vulnerable children in society. Thanks to Damir Nugmanov's generous investment, the foundation will be able to continue its activities and implement projects that contribute to improving the lives of these children. This includes creating comfortable living conditions, providing access to education, medical assistance, psychological support, and other essential resources.
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